The breed originates from the hills around the small village of Kerry, on the English/Welsh border. Popular in the 60s numbers declined and Kerry Hills made it on to the Rare Breeds list. Now this striking hill sheep is making a comeback.
The Kerry Hill is a medium sized breed of sturdy build, an average ewe weighing about 55 to 65 kg (121 to 143 lb) and a ram a little more. The face is white with black markings on the nose around the eyes and knees with black, wool-less ears set high on the head. The fleece is of medium to fine quality white and dense and is classed with the Down breeds for marketing purposes.An average fleece weighs about 2.75 kg (6.1 lb).
Our lambing percentage in 2020 was 170%. We have also used a Blue Faced Leicester tup to produce Kerry Mules which were prize winners at Westmorland County Show. The ewes milk well and the lambs grow quickly and thrive well on grass. We are using a Charolais tup for this 2020/21
crop of lambs.
Kerrys are bold and strong. The ewes make excellent mothers and easy lambers. Our processed fleeces are used to make duvets for our holiday let accommodation.